Here is a wonderful quote from philosopher Sam Keen, being moved up front from the comments; it’s from Keen’s 1994 book, Hymns to an Unknown God. Thanks to Sandy Renner for the reference:
“I don’t know the ultimate destiny of all things faithful, vulnerable or fragile…..But I refuse the hidden pretension of omnipotence, of either the religious or secular variety. My mind cannot plumb the limits of the possible. Therefore, I choose to trust the mystery from which all blessing flows….If I am to trust the source from which I came–this unique Sam Keen……I must also trust the the dark destiny into which I disappear at death. I am enfolded in a Being-becoming-itself, a God for whom perpetual dying is a way of creating……..It is both the agony and the beauty of the human condition to be ignorant of our ultimate origin and destiny. In the luminous darkness through which we travel on our human journey, we are often lonely but never alone. Road-weary, overwhelmed by the magnitude of the difficulties we face during our brief days, we are tempted to despair or to settle for cheap optimism. But in the deep place of the spirit, we are moved and called forth to this ongoing adventure, by the yearning, restless and creative One who-though called by the ten thousand names of God-is still clothed in marvelous silence.”