You may have noticed that something about the blog started looking just a bit different a few days ago. That’s because has moved from being simply a blog, to a new server and a new self as a full-fledged website. Yes, it looks pretty much the same, but you are now on that website.
Now we have not only the blog posts but wonderful toys, like the map widget ‘way down in the footer, showing where in the world all visitors are from. Get a load of globalism in action, right here and now! The auxiliary pages have been expanded (lots of new information about the author, for instance, and new articles, and a list of NDE resource organizations added). There’s even a link directly to Amazon, should you want to purchase the book for your Kindle. For any other e-reader, including the Nook, Kobo has the book in stock now, and we’ll get that link up soon. Barnes & Noble should have the book available later this week. I am looking for an international distributor; stay tuned.
Thank you all so much for your interest and support!
Dear Nan,
I just finished reading your new e-book. All I can say is, in the words of Steve Jobs: “wow, wow, wow.” it’s really make sense of distressing NDE’s. I am not an experiencer, but I was traumatized, nonetheless.
Have you read “The Gospel according to Jesus”, by Stephen Mitchell? Or “Patience with God: Faith for People who don ‘t like Religion or Atheism” by Frank Shaeffer? Both these books have similar ideas as yours. Frank Shaeffer is a “recovering fundamentalist”.
Again, many thanks for your book.
Sandy, thank you! What a good start for my morning! I am so glad you found the book helpful. You know what would be really nice, would be if you were to take your first two sentences and plop them in as a customer review on Amazon! Five stars would be really helpful. (Sorry, but nowadays an author has to think about promotion as much as about content. 🙁 It’s a whole new age in publishing.)
All I have read of the Stephen Mitchell is what is in the generous online summary, though I’ve been wanting to read the whole book. Certainly even the summary leaves me smiling! I’m a big fan of the thoughtful books, like Mitchell’s, that are looking not to defend a theology but to see what they can of “the real thing”: Marcus Borg, John Dominic Crossan, Albert Nolan. And I just recently discovered Frank Shaeffer, not in the book you mention but in his often hilarious Sex, Mom and God.
I haven’t forgotten your questions, just haven’t had time to do much of anything but book-work! Will get back there soon.
I’d be glad to do an Amazon review!
And thank you for doing it! Greatly appreciated.
The new, expanded site looks great! And hearty congratulations again on the publication of the book! You have super endorsements. You’re really goin’ to town!
Thanks, Sheila. I’m thrilled with the endorsements. Good people!
Hello my dear,
I always receive some of the NDE stories and read them carefully,because although I have not had ND experience myself but I seem I know it well. I can relate it to an accident I had when I was a teenager.I had a stroke on my temple in a football regional match in the beginning of the game and gradually I forgot everything, I could not recognize even my brother and friends so I went out of the field .After the game was over I was being taken home I absolutely knew nothing about surroundings like cars,lights,other people and objects,and even God to ask for help.I fell asleep at home and woke up in the next morning and my memory came back. So I guess during this period of time I may had NDE!?. This is not all and there have been so many evidences in my life experience that can be proof of this hypothesis as one being that after about 5 years later than this happening I was away from home with a friend suddenly I was told in my mind “your father died just now” at first I thought it was an imaginary thought. As I reached my friends home after about half an hour I made a telephone call and I was told my father died . later after a precise reckoning I found coincidence of the happening and my imagination for certain. Sometimes I can see some of the future happenings . Another unusual thing was that when I was in my mother whom she had a dream telling her ” if you want this son becomes good one name him Isa(in persian language means Jesus) while my mother was so moslem oriented person.I have always loved Jesus also automatically.
Thank you so much for your patience reading the above.
With my best regards,Isa
Isa, I have so appreciated your thoughtful comment! From your account, it does seem that an NDE or something like that may have been involved in what I assume was a concussion during that football match. So many mysteries about these experiences! Thank you for writing. Nancy